yoga exercise

This week we focus on Being Present. It’s quite commonly used to describe Mindfulness, or Staying in the Moment; not being distracted. But what part of you is Present? Is it the mind? Is it the attention? 

If we are absorbed in what we do does that make us Present? If our attention moves from thing to thing, are we being present in each moment but in a different thing?

One of the eight limbs of Yoga is ‘Dhaarana’ or concentration. Prior to this stage is that of ‘Pratyahaara’ or withdrawal of the senses. Once the yogi has calmed the body with asana (another limb of yoga), and retreated from the senses through Pratyahaara, s/he is ready for Dhaarana, focused by being Present in the true sense.

How do we bring it into our practice? Let’s take a few quiet breaths before getting into movement, and draw the mind inwards to a quiet inner space, a place we know exists deep in us. With each movement, even as we move and bring attention to how we move, let us also be aware of that inner space, as if we’re watching ourselves from there. If we can keep in touch with it, then we are Being Present in the true sense. Then whatever might happen in the practice – maybe you are caught up in the flow, maybe you lose your balance, maybe you are momentarily startled by something around you, maybe your thoughts wander to other things – if you come back to your inner space, it will help you regain your sense of calm and find your inner equilibrium.

Let’s try this in our practice this week!